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Awesome Card combos

Awesome Card combos
GiantPrince Lakshmana” and “GiantPrince Satrugna” both have reduction symbols that are valid even when the cards are in the Removed from Game Area.
Battle effectively, and reduce costs without actually having to summon these cards!
PreserverGod Vishten” is an X Rare that utilizes such cards in the Removed from Game Area.
The card prevents the opponents from using Magic Cards, and is capable of consecutive attacks.
It’s expensive with a cost of 8, yet you won’t mind it as much with the [Soul Burst] effect.
Combine these cards to create a new blue strategy!
Become a master of [Accel] with X Rare “The MonkeyTwelveGodKing Hanumerlin!
The effect allows free activation and summoning!
No color-restrictions means the card works with non-yellow expensive [Accel] effects as well. Try it out!
The card has [Seal] and [During Seal] effects as a 12 God-King.
Control the mid-game with [Accel] and finish your opponent off in the endgame with the unblockable [During Seal] effect!
Many of the white cards actually can become cheaper with red symbols!
A balanced multicolor strategy will actually be faster than a mono-white strategy!
The X Rare “The DinosaurEighthArtifact Turborex” not only has a powerful [Accel], but also has even more astonishing Lv-2/Lv-3 Attack Step effects.
Every time a God-King or Ten-Crown attacks, you may return an opponent Spirit to the top of their deck.
Don’t forget that this is a Ten-Crown as well!
Many green [Accel] effects are, of course, effects that exhaust opponent Spirits.
Exhaust opponent Spirits which are waiting to block you to ensure direct attack to the opponent’s life!
The notable X Rare is “The AccelTenthBird Air Eraser,” a card with an [Accel] effect which can negate Magic Cards activated by the opponent during your Attack Step!
With its unusual reactive kind of [Accel], try to jump in and negate your opponent’s defensive Magic Cards!
The card is also a great addition to white decks with white reduction symbols.
Introducing cards that support strategies aiming to destroy opponent cores to deplete opponent cards.
By activating the [Accel] effects of “The WarOrge Murciela” and “The FlyingFistArmoredDragon Steelhorn Dragon”, you can even destroy powerful Ultimates! Expensive, but definitely worth it!
Don’t forget “The SixHellsSorcerer Shamiram”, whose Braved attack effect thwarts your opponents from blocking!
Introducing the new God-King “The TigerTwelveGodKing Revol-Tiger”!
The card can [Seal] upon attack, and [During Seal] gains you access to the new effect [Bombardment]!!
Look at the top 2 cards of the deck, and for every : God-King or Ten-Crown card, you may place 1 of your opponent’s cores in their reserve!
It’s an effect that tears right through the opponent.
Support the effect with other cards.
The card works great with past God-Kings effects as well!
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