Battle Spirits SD33 Starter Deck: Advent of the Twelve God-Kings | |||||||
Card No. | Card name | Rarity | Cards | Card No. | Card name | Rarity | Cards |
SD33-001 | コレオン | C | 3 | SD33-009 | 丙獣王ブレイゾーマ | M | 2 |
SD33-002 | ビーバン | C | 2 | SD33-X01 | 午の十二神皇エグゼシード | X | 2 |
SD33-003 | 壬獣ジャガーエッジ | C | 3 | SD33-010 | 十二神皇の社 | C | 3 |
SD33-004 | ポニシード | C | 3 | SD33-011 | 獣王の爪痕谷 | C | 3 |
SD33-005 | 甲獣サイオウ | C | 3 | SD33-012 | ブロークンバッシュ | C | 2 |
SD33-006 | 破壊獣サーベルガイ | C | 2 | SD33-013 | エンペラーフレイム | R | 2 |
SD33-007 | 剛腕マウンテン | C | 2 | SD33-014 | ダイナバースト | C | 3 |
SD33-008 | 激走ダッシュランナー | C | 2 | SD06-016 | 絶甲氷盾 | U | 3 |
- Battle Spirits Battle Spirits SD33 Starter Deck: Advent of the Twelve God-Kings
- *Images may differ from final product.
- *Product may be subject to change.
It’s the deck of Shunta Mogami, main character of the anime “Battle Spirits Double Drive”!
Features two of the key card 12 God-Kings X Rare “Horse Twelve God-King Exeseed”!
Use the new effect “Banish” to gain an edge in battle!- Card types
- 16 card types
- Rarity
- 12 Commons, 1 Uncommon, 1 Rare, 1 Master Rare, 1 X Rare
- Contents
- 40 prearranged cards, 1 play sheet, 1 rule manual, 1 soul core, 15 cores
- *Since cards are prearranged, all box contents are identical.
- *Due to the type of the product, all boxes have duplicate cards.
- *Price is manufacturer’s suggested retail price.