Product Information

Battle Spirits Trading Card Game
[CB20]Collaboration Booster Kamen Rider
Extra Expansion

Booster Packs

[CB20]Collaboration Booster Kamen Rider Extra Expansion
Now on sale!

©石森プロ・テレビ朝日・ADK EM・東映 ©BNP/BANDAI
*Images may differ from final product. *Product may be subjected to change.

Featuring cards for boosting of [Kamen Rider Ex-Aid] and [Kamen Rider Kiva] decks!
Featuring of new cards from the latest series [Kamen Rider Revice]!
It is very suitable to be used together with [Collaboration Booster Pack Kamen Rider Our Hope] that is on sale in September!

[CB20]Collaboration Booster Kamen Rider Extra Expansion
[CB20] Collaboration Booster Kamen Rider
Extra Expansion
Card types

Total 68 + 6


30 Common, 15 Rare, 12 M Rare, 9 X Rare, 2 XX Rare, 6 Promotion Cards

On sale November 27(Sat.) 2021!

  • 6 cards in each booster pack
  • * The cards included in this pack may be used in official tournaments from November 27(Sat.) 2021.
  • * Images may differ from final product.
  • * Product may be subject to change.
  • * 6 parallel rare included in this product.
Changes to the Block Icon of Collaboration cards
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